Autodesk Software
Autodesk A360
What is Autodesk A360?
A360 provides a central workspace in the cloud for your project content and the people working on your project (members of your project).
You can use A360 to:
- Create a project
- Add people to your project
- Manage and share all your project content and information
- View 2D and 3D designs using the A360 viewer on any device
Review and comment on designs individually or as a group
About Projects
A project in A360 is a unique and shared workspace on an A360 Hub for people working together on a project. You can:
- Invite people working on a project to an A360 project.
- Upload and share project content including design files, documentation, images, animations, videos, and more
- Comment on and respond to comments on project content
- View, explore, section, explode, and measure a design and its parts
- Markup 2D and 3D design files
- Update project content
- Switch to different versions of content
- Stay up to date on content updates, review comments, and new people in the project through the activity feed
People in a project
After you create a project, you can invite people who work on your project to the project in A360. People who join your project can also invite others to the project. As Hub owner and Project Administrator, you can approve or reject invites to your projects. Everyone who joins your project is a project member and can add, edit, and manage content within the project.
In the project members panel, Project Administrators can view and manage members and project members can view all project members.
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