0898-1803-131 cs@komputerjakarta.Com

IP-Guard Software

IP-Guard V4 Manajemen Network

IP-guard Modul Manajemen Network membantu Anda untuk mengatur arah komunikasi dan blokir port network yang berbahaya untuk menghindari resiko dan ancaman. Komputer yang tidak diizinkan tidak boleh terhubung dengan komputer internal dan koneksi ke network internal dengan memblokir izin akses tertentu. Anda bisa melindungi komputer Anda sebelum mereka terbuka untuk resiko keamanan.

Kontrol Network

  • Blok komputer yang tidak diizinkan untuk komunikasi dengan internal komputer
  • Blok FTP port dan port unduhan lain Blok share ilegal network

Deteksi Intrusion

  • Deteksi, peringatan dan pencegahan terhadap komputer ilegal untuk koneksi dengan network internal
  • Mencegah komputer luar untuk mencuri data korporat dan menyebarkan virus
  • Memberikan real-time pesan warning ketika komputer eksternal terhubung dengan network internal

Instan Alert dan Warning

  • Pesan warning yang bisa disesuaikan
  • Instan pop up pesan alert ke admin jika ada komputer eksternal yang mencoba masuk ke network internal

All Product

InFocus Core II Series INL164

InFocus Core II Series INL164

INFOCUS PROJECTORInFocus Core II SeriesINL164DescriptionQuantum Laser Core II Series - The new benchmark in laser projection for value, performance, and portability! SAY NO TO LAMPS – NO TO FILTERS – SAY HELLO QUANTUM LASER CORE II Lamp Free Environmentally Friendly...

Projector Epson EB-FH52 Full HD 3LCD

Projector Epson EB-FH52 Full HD 3LCD

EPSON PROJECTOREpson EB-FH52 Full HD 3LCDLarge, Sharp, Impactful Viewing Experience. Projection System: 3LCD, 3-chip technology Native Resolution: 1920 x 1080(Full HD) Color Brightness: 4,000 lumens White Brightness: 4,000 lumens The Full HD EB-FH52 projector features...

Projector Epson EB-L200W 3LCD WXGA Standard

Projector Epson EB-L200W 3LCD WXGA Standard

EPSON PROJECTOREpson EB-L200W 3LCD WXGA StandardDisplay large, bright images for optimal viewability with this reliable laser projector 4,200 lumens of color and white brightness 20,000-hour laser light source with no lamps Native WXGA (16:10) resolution Built-in...

Projector Epson EB-972 XGA 3LCD

Projector Epson EB-972 XGA 3LCD

EPSON PROJECTOREpson EB-972 XGA 3LCDLarge, Sharp, Impactful Viewing Experience Projection System: 3LCD, 3-chip technology Native Resolution: 1024 x 768 (XGA) Color Brightness: 4100 lumens White Brightness: 4100 lumens The EB-972 classroom projector features advanced...

Projector Epson EB-E500 XGA 3LCD

Projector Epson EB-E500 XGA 3LCD

EPSON PROJECTOREpson EB-E500 XGA 3LCDEnhance the Classroom Experience with Expressive Projections. Engage the young minds with expressive and vivid projections in class with this 3300 lumens XGA projector.OverviewOutstanding flexibility and portabilityThe outstanding...

InFocus Vista II Series IN0044SL

InFocus Vista II Series IN0044SL

INFOCUS PROJECTORInFocus Vista II SeriesIN0044SLDescriptionExpand Productivity with Network-ready Connections Experience the exceptional performance of InFocus LightPro Vista II Series projectors. These projectors offer high brightness, exceptional lamp life, and...

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