0898-1803-131 cs@komputerjakarta.Com

SecIron Security Software

SecIron Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA)

Secure Digital Identity and Authentication

IronGATE easily secures user identities, protects transactions and leverages the industry-leading Dynamic Authentication Solution (DAS) for enterprise and external user mobility management.

Zero Trust Security for Every Entry Point

With a robust and frictionless solution, you can secure users at every point of your mobile platform.

IronGATE’s unique MFA solution provides an innovative approach to verifying the identity of users. Its value-leading user access management capabilities facilitate highly-efficient access management and user provisioning in all scenarios.

Robust User Access Security to Protect Customers and Workforce

SecIron’s innovative authentication security solution protects app users and critical data on the mobile platform. It combines proven mobile security technologies with a security token to deliver next-level authentication that meets the demanding needs of today’s modern enterprise environment.

Single Sign-On with Centralised Authentication

Centralises and streamlines the authentication process. Decouples authentication from the application and allows users to authenticate from a centralised authentication repository in order to share the same set of credentials among mobile applications.

Secure Access for Any User and Device

Designed with seamless authentication in mind, this simple and flexible solution can be easily integrated on any platform or app. Enables secure access to any environment from anywhere, on any device. Eliminates the need for complex, expensive solutions.

The Path To Creating Secure And Frictionless Journeys

Comprehensive Portal Management

  • Full cloud-based management
  • Authenticator allocation and activation
  • Flexible policy authentication (based on groups and resources)
  • Log and report generation
  • Role-based access
  • Visually appealing and intuitive user interface

Mobile App Authentication Methods

  • Three authentication methods in one: Push messages, One-time passwords, QR codes (when offline)
  • Mobile authenticator: no additional hardware to carry
  • Multi-token support
  • iOS, Android and HarmonyOS
  • PIN/biometrics protection
  • Mobile device DNA (added authentication factor)
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By Komputer Jakarta