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Rocket EnerRocket ES 26-12 (26Ah 12V) BATTERY VRLA

Product Rocket EnerRocket ES 26-12 (26Ah 12V) BATTERY VRLA

EnerRocket 12V 26Ah VRLA Battery is a battery that uses lead acid as its chemical material. There are two types of this type of battery, namely starting batteries or more widely known as automotive batteries (because they are widely used for batteries in automotive vehicles, such as motorcycles and cars) and deep cycle batteries, also known as industrial batteries.

This Vrla battery is a type of battery that is suitable for solar panel systems designed to produce stable and long-lasting energy. For physically this type of battery is protected and tightly closed.

This Vrla Battery is one of the main components of Plts, where the battery plays a very important role to store electrical energy generated from solar panels. During the day the solar panel produces electrical energy from the sun which will be stored in the battery to supply the load when needed.

This type of battery is often called a Sealed Maintenance Free Battery. This battery is also known as a maintenance free battery. This battery uses Agm technology for efficient gas recombination, no float effect, profitable and easy to use.

Battery Ups Brand Enerrocket ES26-12, This type of vrla enerrocket 12v 26ah dry battery is often also called a sealed lead acid battery or sealed maintenance free battery. Physically this type of battery is protected and tightly closed. What appears from the outside is only the positive and negative terminals.

Designed with electrolyte liquid not reduced due to leaking or evaporation, this type of battery has a vent valve that only opens at extreme pressure to discharge the gases from the chemical reaction. Since there is no valve to refill the electrolyte liquid, this battery is also known as a maintenance free battery.

Spesifications Rocket EnerRocket ES 26-12 (26Ah 12V) BATTERY VRLA

  • Product Type: ES 26-12
  • Nominal Voltage: 12 V
  • Capacity: 26Ah
  • Self Discharge (20°C) 1 Month: Remaining Capacity 97%
  • Normal Operating Temperature: 25°C ± 3°C
  • Maximum Discharge current: 390A (5sec)
  • Maximum Charging current: 7.8A
  • Dimensions (L x W x H): 166 x 175 x 125 mm
  • Weight: 8 Kg

Technical Features Rocket EnerRocket ES 26-12 (26Ah 12V) BATTERY VRLA

  • Non-Spillable Sealed Construction
  • Sealed Lead Acid Battery
  • Absorbent Glass Mat System (AGM System)
  • ABS (Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene) Construction
  • Gas Recombination
  • Ventilation System for low internal pressure
  • Low Self-Discharge
  • Heavy Duty, Highly Optimized Grid
  • High Power Output
  • Wide Operating Temperature
  • Maintenance Free Operation


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