Rocscience Software
Rocscience RS3
3D Finite Element Analysis
Groundwater Seepage
The solution for seepage analysis is RS3’s powerful groundwater analysis tool, capable of analyzing groundwater flow through dams, embankments, slopes, tunnels and excavations
Shear Strength Reduction
Automate your slope stability analysis using Shear Strength Reduction method. With a single mouse click, locate the critical failure point and determine the strength reduction factor of your slopes.
Features in RS3
Technical Specifications
- Parallel 64-bit processing
- Fully optimized
- Direct or iterative solver
- Coupled stress/pore pressure using Biot theory
Data Interpretation
- 2D/3D view
- Plot contours on horizontal, vertical, or arbitrary planes
- Plot contours on boundaries
- View stress, displacement contours
- Effective stress, pore pressure contours
- Contour user-defined data
- Deformation vectors
- Groundwater discharge vectors
- Display deformations to user-defined scale
- Query and graph material, support data
- Show values directly on model
- Highlight yielded material and support elements
- Display iso-surfaces
- Data tips for any object
- Annotation and dimensioning tool kit
- Export to Excel
- Export image files
Far-Field Stress
- Constant stress field
- Gravity stress field
- Stress field per material Finite Element Slope Stability
- Automated FE slope stability using shear strength reduction (SSR) method
- Define SSR include/exclude area
- Documentation including verification models and tutorials
- 3D finite element seepage analysis
- Steady state or transient
- Staged groundwater
- Material permeability functions
- Discharge sections
- Piezometric lines
- Pore pressure point set
- Coupled/uncoupled analysis
- Add water surface by location
- Add pore water pressure point set by location
- Point load
- Line load
- Distributed load
- Ponded water load
- Staged loading
- Springs
- Seismic loading
- Dynamic analysis
- Soil or rock
- Elastic or plastic
- Multiple materials
- Mohr-Coulomb, Hoek-Brown, Drucker-Prager, Generalized Hoek-Brown, Cam-Clay, Modified Cam-Clay, Discrete Functions, Mohr-Coulomb with Cap material models
- Softening hardening model
- Staged material properties
- Datum-dependent properties
- Import from RSData
- Linear isotropic, transversely isotropic, orthotropic, Duncan-Chang Hyperbolic, non-linear isotropic, custom
- User-defined material models library, including ChSoil, CySoil, Hardening Soil, and Hardening Soil with Small Strain Stiffness
- 3D tetrahedral mesh
- 4–noded or 10–noded elements
- One-click mesh generation
- Graded meshing
- Uniform meshing
- Check/Define mesh quality
- Define mesh refinement region
- Create 3D models with CAD tools
- Multiple excavations
- Interactive geometry entry
- Vertex/Object snapping
- One-click material assignment
- Import 3D .dxf, .dwg, .obj, .stl, .step, .iges, .tin, .asc, .xyz fi les
- Import from Examine
- Export planar section to RS2, Slide2
- Right-click editing shortcuts
- Interactive sidebar
- Interactive staging timeline
- Tunnel profile tool
- Define soil profile with boreholes
- Bolts
- Liners
- Beams
- Forepoles/Piles
- Staged support installation
- Bolt types—end anchored, fully bonded, cable bolts, Swellex, splitset, tiebacks
- Composite liners with interface elements
- Elastic or plastic
- Peak/Residual strength
RS3 across Applications
Design and analyze tunnel excavations and support systems with features like multi-stage analysis, 3D simulation of support installation and the 3D tunnel designer.
Geotextiles, shotcrete, reinforced concrete liners and various bolt types make up the extensive library of options for modelling supports of slopes, retaining walls, excavations and other geotechnical structures.
Capable of analyzing any surface or underground excavation including staging and support installation for civil, mining, tunneling and other geotechnical applications.
Used in both open pit and underground mines, analyze slope stability and design benches and underground caverns and opening with efficiency.
Advanced slope stability, groundwater seepage, consolidation and dynamic analysis tools are built for efficient modelling of earth dams.
Explore the latest features in RS3
Easily define the liner local coordinate system using the tunnel direction and side faces. Effortlessly follow the tunnel shape, and direction, and define the tunnel frame to seamlessly plan an effective excavation.
Conveniently import your RS2 projects into RS3 using the new RS2 Import Wizard. This feature helps define the extrusion width of the model, applies restraints for the extruded model, and automatically generates mesh for your model as you import.
This powerful tool is used for defining any tunnel profile and generating sequence-based tunnel models. Easily define tunnel models in various shapes, add supports, and specify excavation stages. Accelerate and advance the tunnel modeling process with RS3’s Tunnel Designer.
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