Rocscience Software
Surface Wedge Analysis for Slopes
Sensitivity & Probabilistic Analysis
Perform probabilistic analysis to determine the probability of failure. Model variability in geometry, point of force application, joint and bedding strength, water pressure, external loads and more by assigning statistical distributions to variables. Perform sensitivity analysis using a range of values to evaluate their effects on factor of safety.
Combination Wedge Analysis
Determine the minimum factor of safety of a surface wedge by inputting any number of discrete joint plane orientations and all possible combinations of two joints forming a wedge will be analyzed.
Shear Strength Reduction
Automate your slope stability analysis using Shear Strength Reduction method. With a single mouse click, locate the critical failure point and determine the strength reduction factor of your slopes.
Features in SWedge
Technical Specifications
Analysis Results
- Sidebar information panel
- Info Viewer analysis summary
- One-click export of data and charts to Excel
- Batch Compute model fi les
- Automate Model Inputs from Excel
Bench Analysis
- Optimize bench design for open pit mines
Combination Analysis
- Unlimited number of joints
- Analyze all possible combinations
- Find minimum safety factor wedges
- Import joints from Dips
- View results on histogram, scatter, and stereonet plots
Import from Dips
- Import mean planes
- Import joint set statistics (probabilistic analysis)
- Import all planes (combination analysis)
- Two sliding planes (tetrahedral wedges)
- Optional basal joint plane (pentahedral wedges)
- Shear strength—Mohr-Coulomb, Barton-Bandis, Power Curve
- Waviness angle
- Import planes from Dips
- Water pressure on joints
- Ponded water analysis
- Seismic coefficient
- External forces
- Pressure (surcharge or support)
Persistence Analysis
- Randomly vary wedge height and/or joint persistence
- Allowable persistence determines if wedge can form
Probabilistic Analysis
- Statistical distributions—normal, uniform, triangular, beta, exponential, lognormal, gamma
- Fisher distribution for joint orientations
- Histogram, cumulative, and scatter plots
- Import joint set statistics from Dips
- Monte Carlo or Latin Hypercube simulation
- Random or pseudo-random sampling
- Shear strength—define variability of mean strength envelope or individual strength parameters
- Correlation coefficient for cohesion and friction angle
- Best fit distribution, regression line
- Highlight failed wedges on plots
- Filter wedges by sliding mode
- Probability of failure, reliability index
Sensitivity Analysis
- Determine effect of individual variables on safety factor
- Multiple variables on one plot
- Vary strength of all joints simultaneously
- Slope plane/upper face
- Slope height, length, and bench width
- Overhanging slope
- Metric or imperial units
- Eurocode design standards
Stereonet View
- Plot great circles and poles
- Show joint intersections
- Highlight failed data
- Equal angle/Equal area
- Rock bolts
- Define bolt properties from the following bolt types: Mechanically Anchored, Grouted Dowel, Cable Bolt, Split Set, Swellex, and Simple Bolt Force
- Option to use bolt Shear Strength
- Option to apply Bolt Orientation Efficiency factor
- Pressure
- Active or passive support
Tension Crack
- Optional tension crack plane
- Arbitrary orientations
- Location—user-defined or automatic
Wedge Size
- Scale wedge size by slope height, slope length, bench width, trace length, persistence, wedge weight, and volume
- Truncate wedge with tension crack
- Persistence analysis (probabilistic)
- Minimum wedge size
Viewing Options
- 3D wedge view
- Interactively rotate, zoom, and pan
- Move wedge along sliding planes
- Customize display options
- Export image files
SWedge across Applications
Assess the probability and scale of localized bench failures. Design adequate bench widths and slope face cuts using bench design tools to reduce the risk of failed material from reaching operating levels below.
Assess the wedge stability of slopes created by the excavation of rock cuts.
Explore the latest features in SWedge
Apply Ponded Water Pressure to the Slope and/or Upper Face by specifying the depth of ponded water. Plane Water can also be modeled in conjunction with Ponded Water with assumption of either pervious or impervious slope face.
Save time with the Batch Compute feature which enables you to compute several deterministic, combinations, and/or probabilistic SWedge model files (.swd, .swd7) at once and quickly generate results to text or Excel format.
Automate a deterministic, combinations, or probabilistic analysis in SWedge by reading in various numerical input data from an Excel template, and quickly generating computed results to text or Excel format.
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