0898-1803-131 cs@komputerjakarta.Com

Software CSI adalah seperangkat alat rekayasa struktural yang menjadi landasan bagi insinyur dalam menganalisis dan merancang berbagai jenis struktur bangunan. Dengan produk-produk seperti SAP2000, ETABS, dan CSiBridge, software ini memungkinkan pengguna untuk melakukan analisis yang teliti terhadap respons struktur terhadap beban-beban statis dan dinamis, termasuk pengaruh gempa bumi dan angin. Melalui pemodelan yang akurat dan simulasi yang mendalam, insinyur dapat memastikan kekuatan, kekakuan, dan stabilitas struktur yang direncanakan, serta mengoptimalkan desain untuk memenuhi standar keamanan yang ketat.

Selain itu, perangkat lunak CSI juga memfasilitasi proses desain dengan menyediakan alat untuk menghitung dimensi elemen struktural, mengevaluasi material yang paling cocok, dan menghasilkan dokumentasi teknis yang diperlukan untuk konstruksi. Dengan antarmuka yang intuitif dan fitur-fitur yang lengkap, software CSI mempercepat proses perencanaan dan memungkinkan insinyur untuk menguji berbagai alternatif desain secara efisien. Dengan demikian, software CSI tidak hanya menjadi alat penting dalam meningkatkan efisiensi dan keamanan proyek konstruksi, tetapi juga memainkan peran kunci dalam menciptakan bangunan yang lebih inovatif dan berkelanjutan.

Structural Software Product

BIM Exchange Software

Other CSI Product



CSI Software CsiXCAD DRAWING GENERATION PLUGIN FOR CAD PLATFORMSTAKE YOUR MODELS STRAIGHT TO CAD CSiXCADTM is a plugin for AutoCAD®, BricsCAD®, and ZWCAD® that streamlines drawing production by directly interacting with ETABS®, SAP2000®, and SAFE®. Import From ETABS,...



CSI Software CsiXRevit BI-DIRECTIONAL DATA TRANSFER PLUGIN FOR REVIT® CSiXRevit is a plugin for Autodesk® Revit® that enables bi-directional data transfer to CSI Software products: SAP2000® , ETABS® and SAFE® . Users have full control over what model data gets...



CSI Software CsiCol PIPE STRESS ANALYSIS AND DESIGN CSiCol is a comprehensive software package used for the analysis and design of columns, efficiently addressing the design of columns of any concrete, reinforced concrete, or composite cross-section. CSiCol provides a...



CSI Software CsiPlant PIPE STRESS ANALYSIS AND DESIGN NEXT GENERATION PLANT DESIGN AND ENGINEERING CSiPlant is an integrated engineering software product for analysis and design of piping systems and frame structures, including piping code compliance checks with...



CSI Software Perform 3D PERFORMANCE-BASED DESIGN OF 3D STRUCTURES Perform3D is a nonlinear analysis and design product focused on displacement-based and capacity design of buildings. Modeling Nonlinear features include a number of nonlinear building components such as...



CSI Software SAFE ANALYSIS AND DESIGN OF FLOOR SYSTEMS THE ULTIMATE TOOL FOR FLOOR SYSTEMS From framing layout to detail drawing production, SAFE integrates every aspect of the engineering design process in one easy and intuitive environment. SAFE provides unmatched...



CSI Software ETABS BUILDING ANALYSIS AND DESIGN THE INDUSTRY STANDARD FOR BUILDING DESIGN The innovative and revolutionary new ETABS is the ultimate integrated software package for the structural analysis and design of buildings. SAPFire Analysis Engine CSI Solvers...



CSI Software CsiBridge BRIDGE ANALYSIS, DESIGN AND RATING Modeling, analysis and design of bridge structures have been integrated into CSiBridge to create the ultimate in computerized engineering tools. The ease with which all of these tasks can be accomplished makes...



CSI Software SAP2000 STRUCTURAL ANALYSIS AND DESIGN THE INDUSTRY STANDARD FOR STRUCTURAL ANALYSIS The SAP2000 name has been synonymous with state-of-the-art analytical methods since its introduction over 45 years ago. SAPFire Analysis Engine CSI solvers have been...

Other Software Product

Rocscience RSPile

Rocscience RSPile

Rocscience Software Rocscience RSPile 3D Pile Analysis Lateral & Axial Pile Analysis Carry out lateral & axial analyses of various piles with the flexibility to design piles with multiple sections and model complex soil strata using boreholes. Capacity Pile...

Rocscience Settle3

Rocscience Settle3

Rocscience Software Rocscience Settle3 Soil Settlement and Consolidation Analysis Settlement Analysis Perform soil settlement analysis to analyze immediate settlement, primary consolidation and secondary settlement of embankments, foundations, and surface loads....

Rocscience CPillar

Rocscience CPillar

Rocscience Software Rocscience CPillar Support Estimation Using Ground Reaction Curves Crown Pillar Stability Analysis Get quick and easy stability analysis of surface or underground crown pillars and laminated roof beds using three different limit equilibrium...

Rocscience RocSupport

Rocscience RocSupport

Rocscience Software Rocscience RocSupport Support Estimation Using Ground Reaction Curves Ground Reaction Curve Easy-to-use software for estimating deformation of circular excavations in weak rock. Given the tunnel radius, in-situ stress conditions, rock parameters...

Rocscience UnWedge

Rocscience UnWedge

Rocscience Software Rocscience UnWedge Underground Wedge Stability Analysis Underground Wedge Stability Analysis Analyze underground tunnel excavations with intersecting discontinuities and visualize the model in 3D. Determine the stability of tetrahedral wedges...

Rocscience EX3

Rocscience EX3

Rocscience Software Rocscience EX3 3D Stress Analysis for Underground Excavations Boundary Element Method & Stress Analysis Perform faster analysis of underground excavations using Boundary Element Method, which only requires meshing of the surface, resulting in...

Rocscience RSLog

Rocscience RSLog

Rocscience Software Rocscience RSLog Web-based Borehole Log Management Borehole Data Management Centralize your borehole data and streamline the process of field data collection, review, and preparation of borehole logs. Designed for geotechnical, environmental, and...

Rocscience RocTopple

Rocscience RocTopple

Rocscience Software Rocscience RocTopple Toppling Stability Analysis for SlopesBlock Toppling Model Analyze 2D block or block-flexural toppling stability given the slope geometry, and the joint spacing, dip and strength. RocTopple employs the Block toppling method of...

Rocscience RocPlane

Rocscience RocPlane

Rocscience Software Rocscience RocPlane Graphical and Statistical Analysis of Orientation DataPlanar Rock Slope Analysis Quickly and easily define planar wedge models, visualized in 2D and 3D. Perform planar sliding stability analysis using Limit Equilibrium Method....

Rocscience Dips

Rocscience Dips

Rocscience Software Rocscience Dips Graphical and Statistical Analysis of Orientation DataStereographic Projection Analysis Designed for interactive analysis of orientation based geological data. Visualize orientation vectors, density contours, planes, intersections,...

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